
Celebrating Portuguese Culture & Traditions in the Community


We owe much thanks to the generosity of our sponsors.

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Hudson Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.

A special thank you goes out to Jo-Ann Fabric & Crafts of Shrewsbury, MA for generously helping us get the fabric necessary to make our costumes.  Their service went above and beyond!

A well deserved and heartfelt thank you goes out to all our dedicated, hardworking volunteers, they rolled up their sleeves, got out their scissors, found their measuring tapes, threaded their needles and started up their sewing machines.  They worked tirelessly until every costume was perfect!  Thank you so much for your time and talent.

It is with great appreciation that we send thanks to our friends at

Flats Mentor Farm for their support and generosity.

A special thanks you goes to the Hudson Boys & Girls Club for graciously providing us with transportation to an out of town venue.

We wholeheartedly thank all the parents for their time  and commitment to keeping these special traditions alive.  It is an honor and privilege to work with your children.

A warm thank you goes out to The Hudson Portuguese Club for welcoming us into their family, for allowing us to practice and perform in their beautiful facility and for hosting this site. 
